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"Murphy Law strikes again"
While getting the Drag strip opened up and ready for the season, a week before the opening date, it was discovered that the stairs to the tower were cracked. Not wanting to jeopardize safety Jim G called Jeff Heidrich, owner of Heidrich Homes here in Minot. Jeff looked at it on Friday and that afternoon had 2 employees willing to work over the weekend to tear everything down and build a new stair unit with an extended deck.
I can't thank Jeff enough for his support, and a big THANK YOU to Doug and Zack for their volunteering to help us out and making the facility a safer place. Those 2 guys busted their butts working till after dark on Saturday and were back Sunday to finish the job and get to Jeff & Mary's house for a fish fry.
Although Heidrich homes is primarily a new home builder, it goes to show that all of you in the racing community come together in time of need and have a "Get Er Dun" attitude. All of us at MCID really appreciate Jeff, his crew, and everyone of you racers, fans, sponsor's and your family's. See all of you soon, and safe driving. Jim G.